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Charles Steele, Jr. - Race and Economic Opportunity: Challenges Before Us and the Scope for Political Action

20.01.2014 | 18:00 c.t.

(English version below)

Dr. h.c. mult. Charles Steele, Jr., Chief Executive Officer der Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Atlanta, Georgia), ist im Rahmen des 50. Jahrestages des Besuchs von Dr. Martin Luther King in West- und Ost-Berlin 1964 einer Einladung des Martin Luther King Memorial Berlin gefolgt und wird im Rahmen seines Besuchs am 20. Januar einen Vortrag am John-F.-Kennedy Institute zum Thema “Race and Economic Opportunity: Challenges Before Us and the Scope for Political Action” halten.


Dr. h.c. mult. Charles Steele, Jr., is the CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Atlanta, Georgia). Following an invitation from the Martin Luther King Memorial Berlin, he will talk at the John F. Kennedy Institute about "Race and Economic Opportunity: Challenges Before Us and the Scope for Political Action", on the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's visit to West and East Berlin in 1964.

Zeit & Ort

20.01.2014 | 18:00 c.t.

Room 319