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Journals, books, databases, and economic sources on North American economic policy and history

For all information regarding Bachelor's or Master's thesis supervision see HERE

Bachelor (Summer Term 2024)

Statistical Reasoning  (Luca Stella)Fri 12 – 2 pm, room: 113

Understanding North America B (Julia Püschel). Fri 10 am - 12 pm, room: 340

American Economic History I (Christopher Prömel). Mon 12 – 2 pm, room: 203

American Economic History II (Christopher Prömel). Thu 12 – 2 pm, room: 203

Master (Summer Term 2024)

US Economic Policy (Max Steinhardt). Tue 10 am – 12 pm, room 203

US Economic Policy – Case Studies (Max Steinhardt). Wed 10 am – 12 pm, room 203

CEO Celebrity: Work Cultures and Capitalist Branding (Julia Püschel). Fri 12 - 2 pm, room 340

Topics in the History of Money and Banking in the US (Wolfgang Strehl). Thu 2 – 4pm, room 340

MA Colloquium Economics (Max Steinhardt). Thu 10 am – 12 pm, room 233 

Graduate School (North American Studies)

Master (VWL)

Some of the seminars offered can also be taken in the Master's program in Economics and Public Economics. These will then be listed accordingly in the course catalog for VWL and Public Economics.

This information is only intended as a guide for planning your course of study. Binding information on the current courses of the Department of Economics can be found in the current course catalog. The passwords required for registration in Blackboard for the individual courses are available on request from the secretary's office of the Department of Economics.

Contact: economics@jfki.fu-berlin.de