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Students of the Freie Universität can use their valid Campuscard to borrow and reserve media. There is no need for a separate registration.

Residents of Berlin or Brandenburg and students of other universities located in Berlin or Brandenburg have to register at the circulation desk. The card is issued free of charge. The following documents are required for a registration:

  • identification card or a passport
  • official paper documenting the Berlin/Brandenburg residence
  • for students: valid student card
  • registration form of the library

Young adults who have not yet reached the age of 18 need an additional document stating the approval of one of their parents and a copy of one of their parents’ identification cards (to prove the signature in absence).

Employees of the Free University without a library card can download a library card via the ZEDAT portal.
Please log in to the ZEDAT portal with your FU account. Click here to download the library card. After about 30 minutes the newly generated card will be synchronized with the library system. Then it will be possible to register and order media via Primo. If you want to borrow media, please bring your identity card and the printout of your library card to your first visit to one of the circulation desks of the FU libraries.