US Wahlen 2024
“The US Elections: A First Appraisal”
The politics department is pleased to announce a panel discussion in the context of the Presidential Elections 2024, hosted at the John F. Kennedy Institute on November 7th, 2024. We have a fantastic line-up of leading scholars presenting cutting-edge research on the topic from a range of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives.
November 7, 2024, Panel Discussion, JFKI, room 340, and online, 10:00-12:45 This event will be held in a hybrid format. To receive the Webex link please sign up at politics@jfki.fu-berlin.deDemocracy: Still Under Siege? (10:00-11:15)
Sarah Wagner (Atlantische Akademie): Focus: Democrats
Philipp Adorf (Universität Bonn): Courts and the GOP
Julia Simon (Freie Universität Berlin/ Universität Bremen): The Extreme Right
Maren Freudenberg (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): The Christian Right
Curd Knüpfer (University of Southern Denmark): Far Right Media
Future of the Liberal International Order (11:30-12:45)
Thomas Biebricher (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Neoliberalism
Florian Böller (Universität Heidelberg): Polarization and Foreign Policy
Aaron Allen (Bard College Berlin): US Foreign Policy and Security
Lora Anne Viola (Freie Universität Berlin): American Liberal Internationalism