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DASI Shoptalk: Project Shorts and Peer-to-Peer Support (German Association for American Studies)

09.02.2024 | 14:00

DASI Shoptalk, February 9, 2024, 2-4 p.m., online via Zoom | After a successful session last year, DASI is for the second time offering a networking and peer support opportunity in a format called “DASI Shoptalk: Project Shorts and Peer-to-Peer Support.” The idea is to use a two-hour Zoom meeting to discuss ongoing (or future) digital projects in German American studies, to identify problems and impasses and to work together to find solutions for these. Whether you are just beginning to consider DH methods for your teaching or research and are looking for some orientation, or you have recently added DH methods to your scholarly toolbox and want to exchange ideas for future developments, or you are already at an advanced stage of implementing DH methods and want to find a community of like-minded people, the DASI Shoptalk is for you! Every participant is invited to share their project (ideas) to receive feedback, tips, or simply appreciation. Although it will be possible to present your idea or your project spontaneously, we would love to hear from you in advance. Please contact us at dasi@americanstudies.de. Please let us know by January 15, 2024 if you could see yourself contributing.

Meeting ID: 676 0668 3712
Passcode: 602508

Zeit & Ort

09.02.2024 | 14:00

online via Zoom