Campus Management
Campus Management is the Freie Universität’s online platform to register for modules and classes. The registration period lasts roughly four weeks at the beginning of each semester (in October and April). There are earlier deadlines for classes that offer a limited amount of spots. However, courses at the Kennedy Institute only very rarely have size restrictions, and even if they do, this usually does not concern the students in the North American Studies programs.
If you failed to register for a class during the registration period, you can do so afterwards by filling out the “Formular zur Anmeldung von Modulen und Lehrveranstaltungen,” which you’ll find here. If you registered for a class you did not complete and would like to remove it from your Campus Management records, you have to fill out the “Formular zur Abmeldung von Modulen und Lehrveranstaltungen,” which you can also find here. The filled out forms have to be handed in at the office of Stephanie Müller or Sylvia Stähr.
Important! To register for language courses in the BA program you have to follow a different protocol. Please see here for details and deadlines (link only available in German). If you have difficulties registering for language courses, please contact the academic advisement office.