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Once Upon a Time in America – JFK Students participate in the Study Day of the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne

News from Dec 06, 2018

Terra Visiting Professor Laura Katzman took her Museum Studies MA-Course on a field trip to an exhibition on three centuries of American art at the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne. She was joined by courses from the Universities of Bonn, Mainz, Münster, and London (Courtauld Institute of Art). For this exclusive event, the museum was closed to allow these groups an intimate encounter with iconic works by painters of different epochs of American art such as Edward Hopper, Mark Rothko, George Bellows, Georgia O’Keeffe, and John Trumbull. The individual tours through the exhibitions were accompanied by seminars in front of the paintings on subject matters such as American landscape painting, the Ash Can School, Impressionism, or early American painting.

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