Marlene Ritter
PhD Candidate, SCRIPTS Cluster
Topic of PhD thesis: Branding a Liberal, United Europe: Western European Image Politics in the Post-War Era, 1948–1967
Education and Work Experience
- 11/2017-04/2020: Project Manager and Account Executive at BOROS GmbH, Berlin
- 09/2016-09/2017: Goldsmiths College, London, M.A. Cultural Policy, Diplomacy, and Relations (with distinction)
- 09/2015-01/2016: University of Versailles, St Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, ERASMUS European and International Studies
- 10/2012-06/2016: Humboldt University Berlin, B.A. Cultural History and Theory and Business Administration
Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach
- 05/2017-06/2017: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn, Federal Congress on Cultural Policy, Freelancer
Summer Semester 2023
Images of the Marshall Plan and US Influence in Western Europe After World War II, Marlene Ritter, Mondays, 10:00-12:00
- (Western) European Integration Histories of Cultural and Public Diplomacy
- (Nation) Branding
- Propaganda
- Soft Power Cultural Bordering Practices Visual History
Ritter, Marlene, and Gienow-Hecht, Jessica C. E. ‘Review of “Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: Between the Domestic and the International”, edited by Caterina Carta and Richard Higgott (London, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)’. Caliban 62 (2020): 407–10.