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Dr. Tobias Annamalay Jochum

Tobias Jochum

Department of Literature

Guest Lecturer

John F. Kennedy Institute
Lansstr. 7-9
Room 303c
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Consultation hours:

Thursdays, 4 pm- 6 pm and by appointment (jochum@zedat.fu-berlin.de).

Research Interests

  • Contemporary and 20th Century U.S. and Spanish American Narrative
  • Hemispheric American Studies
  • U.S.-Mexico Border Studies
  • Chicanx & Latinx Studies
  • Critical Theory
  • Feminisms & Gender Studies
  • Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
  • Postcolonial Theory & Decoloniality


October 2018

Doctor of Philosophy, North American Studies / Literature
Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin

Dissertation: "The Ethics of Representation in Contemporary Narratives of Border Violence" (summa cum laude)

Supervisors: Ulla Haselstein, José David Saldívar, MaryAnn Snyder-Körber

April 2013

Master of Arts, North American Studies
Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)
Thesis: "From Impassioned Analysis to Factual Fiction: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Writing (Against) Femicide"

March 2011

Bachelor of Arts, North American Studies

John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Thesis: "The Public Life and Work of Oscar Zeta Acosta"

2008/09 University of California Berkeley; Direct Exchange, Fulbright
2006/07 Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain); Erasmus



"'Our Curse and Our Mirror’: Ungrievable Lives & Unframed Crime Scenes in Roberto Bolaño’s 2666" (Invited speaker)

Writing & Society Research Centre Seminar, Western Sydney University. August 28 


 "Beyond Narconarratives: Itinerant Memory and the Politics of Indeterminacy in Recent Mexican Border Fiction" (presented paper)

LASA Congress 2019: "Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion." Boston, MA. May 24-27





Workshop "Drifting Apart? Democracy and Its Discontents" (panelist)

10th Anniversary Conference Graduate School of North American Studies

"The Fault Lines of Democracy: Conversations, Contestations, and Cross-Cultural Comparisons"

Berlin, Germany. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. October 20-21






"Resisting the Script, Scripting Resistance: Literary Responses to Fear, Impunity, and Militarization at the Northern Mexico Border" (presented paper)

Framing Violence. A Multidisciplinary Symposium on Theorizing Frames.

Berlin, Germany. John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin. July 1-2


"Reclaiming Murder City: Memory, Fear, and Hope in New Northern Mexico Border Fiction" (presented paper)

EAAS Conference 2016 "Mapping Transnational America"

Constanta, Romania. April 3-6







"'Textual Photography' and Poetic Testimony in Sergio González Rodríguez' The Femicide Machine" (presented paper)

Latin American Studies Association, 33th International Congress

"precariedades, exclusiones, emergencias"

San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30







"Feminicide: Explanatory Frameworks, Representational Challenges"

(panel chair)


"'The Weight of Words, the Shock of Photos': Poetic Testimony and Elliptical Images in Sergio González Rodríguez' The Femicide Machine"

(presented paper)

European American Studies Association, 60th Anniversary Conference

"America: Justice, Conflict, War"

The Hague, Netherlands, April 3-6







"The Juárez Femicides in U.S. Literature: Social Activism and Representation of Violence in Alicia Gaspar de Alba’s Desert Blood: The Juárez Murders" (presented paper)

11th Spanish Association for American Studies Conference

"TRANS-: The Poetics and Politics of Crossing in the U.S."

La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, March 20-22




Co-editor and introduction (with Laura Gillman):

Special Issue: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminicide at the U.S.-Mexico Border. Forum for Interamerican Research 8:2 (September 2015).


Journal article:

"The Weight of Words, the Shock of Photos: Poetic Testimony and Elliptical Images in Sergio González Rodríguez' The Femicide Machine"

FIAR 8:2 (September 2015).

Summer Schools






"Borders, Border Thinking, Borderlands" Summer Institute

University of Bremen, Duke University and University of North Carolina.

Bremen, Germany, May 15-26






"Frontera Fictions: Life and Death at the US-Mexico Border" (seminar)

JFK Institute, Literature Dept., Freie Universität Berlin; WS 2016/17.

Summer 2023

Lecturer Bachelor Course, The Long Sixties, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Winter 2022/23

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Pandemic as Parabel: Contagion in the Literary Imagination, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: B.A. Colloquium Literature/Culture, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Master Course: Early-20th Century Socialist Literature and the Labor Movements, Literature/Sociology, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Summer 2022

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Introduction to Literature II, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Echoes of the Jazz Age: Reading F. Scott Fitzgerald in 2022, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Master Course: Frontera Fictions: Literature and the US-Mexico Borders, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Winter 2020/21

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Delirious: American Fictions on Drugs, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Master Course: Utopia in the American Literary Imagination, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Summer 2020

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Introduction to Literary Studies II, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Master Course: Lost and Found in Translation: Transatlantic Exile Literature, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Winter 2019/20

Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Colloquium Literature/Culture, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin

Lecturer, Master Course: Frontera Fictions: Literature and the US-Mexico Border, Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin