What do I need to do to obtain credits?
Grades and attendances are usually entered in Campus Management at the end of the semester. Please make sure you have fulfilled the requirements for either a pass (active participation) or for a grade, such as turning in a term paper or passing an (oral) exam.
The requirements for credits depend on your specific study regulation and on the instructor’s individual task concept. Detailed information about course requirements can be found on Blackboard and/or will be announced during the first lesson of a course.
We recommend getting in touch with the respective lecturer in time if you are facing any difficulties regarding the fulfillment of requirements or with assessments.
Students who do not have access to CM (students from other study fields than NAS or from other universities) will need to ask for a (digital) paper certificate (Papierschein) at the end of the semester. For this purpose, please fill out the respective form: FU Students (w/o CM Registration) or JFKI Incoming Students and send it to politics@jfki.fu-berlin.de, along with your full name, matriculation no., the course title and no., name of the module and your study program. We will send you a signed Papierschein after we have received all necessary information as listed.