Lora Viola to debate the Future of the G20 at the German Parliament, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
News from Apr 11, 2017
Lora Viola has been invited by the parliamentary group of the Green Party to debate the relationship between the global and the national and the future of the G20. Together with Prof. Dirk Messner (director of the German Institute for Developmental Politics) and Simon Tilford (Assistant Director of the Center for European Reform) she will talk about Trump's protectionist policies and their impact on social justice and climate change. The conversation intends to tease out the major conflicts surrounding the upcoming G20 meeting in Hamburg and is organized by Jürgen Trittin, member of the Auswärtige Ausschuss.
The debate will take place on April 25, 6.00pm. Registration is mandatory and open until April 23.