Workspaces in the JFKI library
PC-Pool (with online booking):
Online booking system: (use the FU ZEDAT ID as a member of the FU Berlin)
We offer 8 PC desks in the computer room of the JFKI library. These desks with desktop computers can also be used to attend online classes and lectures via Webex.
Reading Rooms (without booking):
We also offer 15 desks in the reading rooms of the JFKI library. You can just come to the library and use the desks. Please note, if you want to work in the reading rooms you have to bring your own notebook or mobile device (WiFi is available). On top of the desks of the computer room and reading rooms you will find QR codes for the FU Berlin campus registration system You'll find more information about the registration system here and here.
More information about the library, the online booking system and the registration via QR code:
The submission of a negative corona test, which is not older than 24 hours, is a prerequisite for the reservation of a desk at the computer room and for entering the JFKI library and reading rooms in general. Fully vaccinated and convalescent people are asked to show their vaccination card or a medical certificate of recovery. For identification purposes, please also show your ID card.
- For the PC desks of the computer room: To book a desk you need your FU ZEDAT ID. Please cancel your desk reservation if you can’t make use of your desk booking. For a cancellation please use the link above.
- For the desks in our reading rooms: Every available desk has a QR code. Please scan the code and fill out the form with your contact information as well as your presence time.
- Your personal data is only visible to you and the system administrators. The data is used exclusively for contact tracing and the traceability of chains of infection in the event of a SARS-CoV-2 infection and it should occur in the temporal or local context of your visit. The data will be deleted after four weeks.
- Please wear a FFP2 mask in the library and keep your distance of 1,5 m to other people.
- You will find surface cleaners and disinfectants in every reading room and the computer room. Please make use of them before you touch surfaces, keyboards or the mouse.
If you have any further questions please contact us: