New Degree Program in North American Studies at the JFKI
News from May 27, 2021
Starting with the academic term 2021/22, the Kennedy Institute will add a new combi bachelor to its BA program portfolio. In the new BA program Applied North American Studies students can choose from a wide variety of minors (60 credit points) and thereby sharpen their academic profile, for instance by adding film studies to their concentration in literature and culture (humanities concentration) at the JFKI. Furthermore, the new degree program adds practical elements to the academic curriculum: students can take part in project seminars such as conducting a political poll or preparing an art exhibition. While students will be able to benefit from a wide range of topics related to the six academic disciplines represented at the JFKI, the main difference to the Mono-B.A. program lies in the concentration on the social sciences or the humanities. Students select two focal disciplines from the social sciences track (consisting of political science, sociology, and economics) or from the humanities track (comprised of literature, culture, and history). Since students from other programs will now also be able to choose North American Studies as a 60 credit points minor, the JFKI will be able to cater to various student demands in the area of North American studies.