Teaching formats at the JFKI during the Winter Term 2020/21
News from Sep 23, 2020
Courses will be held in the following three teaching formats:
1 - asynchronous online teaching (e.g. recorded lecture);
2 - synchronous online teaching (e.g. live seminar via WebEx at designated time);
3 - synchronous online teaching with some on-campus sessions (optional);
The binding information on the course format and course time is available in the course catalogue. Please consult the catalogue frequently in the coming weeks to find out about any updates or modifications to your preferred courses. You should find all relevant details in the blurbs for each course. We have also asked instructors to make syllabi available on Blackboard so that you can learn more about the course content before course booking begins on Campus Management in October.
For more general information, please regularly check the official FU Coronavirus info page.
The Digital Code of Conduct for all remote course offerings is available here.
Graduating students should stay up to date with the current procedures regarding BA and MA theses posted on the website of the Prüfungsbüro.