Since 2006, the JFK Insitute has awarded the annual Willi Paul Adams Prize to the best Master's Theses submitted during the prior academic year. Supported with a 100-Euro stipend by the Alumni Association, the prize is awarded during the official graduation ceremony.
Past Awardees
Kristina Brüning (Kultur)
"From Mean Girls and Bad Boys to Fierce Feminists and Monstrous Misogynists: Sexual Violence in Teen Television Drama,
Honorable Mention: Katarina Dacic (Soziologie)
"Behavioral Patterns of Looting in the U.S."
Thomas Castañeda (Literature)
"The Sense of Selena: A Thesis on Brownness"
Honorable Mention: Gregor Herz (History)
"From Curative to Preventative Sterilization: Therapeutic and Eugenic Sterilization Under the California State Commission in Lunacy"
Charlie Zaharoff (History)
„The Squeamish Coroner: War Crimes Trials of Early Reconstruction.“
Honorable Mention: Anthony Obst (Culture)
„Drums of Haiti: Black Radical Literary Representations of the Haitian Revolution in the 1930s“
Cameron Seglias (Culture)
„Hints Left Writing – Print History, Hermeneutics, and the Creation of a Readerly Ethics in John Woolman’s Journal“.
Honorable Mention: Hannah Nelson-Teutsch (History)
„Send a Ranger – The National Park Service and the Performance of American National Identity in Yosemite National Park“
Sarah Wolff (Literature)
"Strange Brothers, Queer Fellows & the Love of Comrades: A Comparative Study of Queer Desires in the 1930s Harlem Novels Strange Brother and Infants of the Spring"
Patrick DeDauw (Politics)
"Logistics of Settlement: Uneven Markets in Land, Labour, and Infrastructure in Canadian Colonial Expansion"
Lasse Thiele (Politics)
"The Critique of Growth as a Postmodern Critique of Capitalism"
Honorable Mention: Katherine Szadziewicz (Literature)
"Constructing Poetry: Architecture, Verse, and Public Work in Harriet Monroe’s Chicago Magazine"
Juliane Czolkoß (Sociology)
"Homeschooling in the United States of America: Driving Forces and Implications of African American Home Education"
Sebastian Hoffmann (Culture)
"Geniale Dilettanten und grandioses Scheitern: Die New Yorker Antifolk-Szene, 1984-2012"
Julian Henneberg (Culture)
"Mind over Matter? Forms of Embodiment in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest"
Stefanie Land-Hilbert (History)
Hanno Scherrer (History)
„They are Step-fathers and Strangers in the Government:“ Eigentümerherrschaft, koloniale Governance und die Revolution von 1719 in South Carolina
Felix Mihram (Economics)
"Tariffs and Growths in the late 19th Century – How Robust is the Empirical Relationship Really? "
Jessica Terruhn (Sociology)
"Unusual Suspects and Worthy Victims. How Whiteness Is Reproduced in the Crime Coverage of the U.S. Press"
Jenny Joergensen (Sociology)
"Amerikas gespaltene Ökonomie. Ökumenische Kommunitäten im Spiegel der Brüderlichkeitsethik Max Webers."
Susan Park (Culture)
"MADE IN AMERIKA. Das amerikanische Modesystem zwischen Uniformierung und Individualisierung"