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JFKInterviews - Session #1 - Neetal Parekh

May 05, 2021 | 07:00 PM s.t.


Do you wonder about the future occasionally (or all the time), pondering what to do once you have your degree in NAS? Eespecially since the FU Berufspraxiswoche left much to be desired? Then fret not, my angst-ridden millennial friends, for the students have decided to take matters into our own hands!

Please take note of our new, student-run events series called JFKInterviews!

These interactive interviews will give you the opportunity to have a chat with people who have similar academic backgrounds as us and have found amazing jobs since their graduation! The invitees are going to tell us a little bit about what it is they do, how they got there, and what you should know if you want to follow in their footsteps.

The format is deliberately interactive, so you don’t just join in on another boring and meandering WebEx session where nobody read the assigned texts, ahem. Everyone is encouraged to engage in conversation with our guests and to ask all those burning questions about life post-graduation and professional life that have been on your mind ever since you started wondering what all of this acquired knowledge might actually be useful for.

We are planning for it to be about an hour long – but don’t worry, we can still have a chat on the Student Discord Server after the event!

Our first guest will be Neetal Parekh. She has degrees in International Political Science and law, and she is currently an attorney and the founder/CEO of Innov8social, a web platform and network for social entrepreneurship. Neetal is also the author of Amazon bestselling book, 51 Questions on Social Entrepreneurship, host of The Impact Podcast by Innov8social, and convener of Impactathon®. 

You can find more information about her and her projects by using the following links:
http://www.linkedin.com/in/neetal & http://www.instagram.com/innov8social 

Do we have your attention?
Then check your email, fellow JFK-I Students! You already got the WebEx invitation link. :-)

Your JFKInterviews Team,
Deanna Wright (MA), Max Elias (MA), Felix Kiener (BA) & Thilo Prange (BA)

Time & Location

May 05, 2021 | 07:00 PM s.t.

Online Panel via Cisco WebEx