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Markus Bierkoch Event: Alcohol, Groceries and Gastronomy: Economic Niches & German-A​merican Associations in New York

31.03.2021 | 19:00 c.t. - 20:00


Alcohol, Groceries and Gastronomy:  

Economic Niches & German-American Associations in New York  

MARKUS BIERKOCH, PhD candidate, History  

John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies,

Free University of Berlin 

WED/March 31  

12-1 PM CDT (Kansas)

Markus Bierkoch's doctoral research focuses on German-American associations in New York  (1890s to 1930s) and their roles as both providers of social and economic benefits and  proponents of ethnic politics. He will speak about economic networks formed by these organizations, specifically in the retail and wholesale sectors of the food and alcohol industries. 

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