JFKI Reading List on Anti-Black Violence, (Structural) Racism, and Anti-Racist Thought in the US
News vom 22.06.2020
In light of the killing of George Floyd and the worldwide protests it has caused, members of the JFK Institute have created a list of recommended readings with a focus on anti-black violence, structural racism, and anti-racist thought and practice. The following is not intended as a comprehensive selection; many experts and institutions have recently recommended important scholarship, criticism, and research that deal with these issues. We would encourage everyone to seek out and make use of these resources as well.
Our reading list is based on the interdisciplinary structure of our institute, including perspectives from history, cultural studies, literary studies, political science, sociology, and economics. We have attempted to make the most of the resources currently available here on campus, especially now that many publishers and digital repositories have made research publications accessible for free due to the Covid-19 situation.
Our library staff has created a digital reserve shelf via Primo that collects most of the books on the list: https://primo.fu-berlin.de/search/courses/32130