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Wohnen in der Stadt Wie eng ist zu eng? Tagesspiegel, 20.02.2024

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Facchini, G., Patacchini, E., & Steinhardt, M. F. (2015). Migration, Friendship Ties, and Cultural Assimilation. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(2), 619-649.

FitzRoy, F. R., Nolan, M. A., Steinhardt, M. F., & Ulph, D. (2014). Testing the Tunnel Effect: Comparison, Age and Happiness in UK and German Panels. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2014, 24(3).

Gabor, D., & Kohl, S. (2022). My Home is an Asset Class: The Financialization of Housing in Europe.

Kohl, S., Sagner, P., & Voigtländer, M. (2019). Mangelware Wohnraum: Ökonomische Folgen des Mietpreisbooms in deutschen Großstädten. In H. Herrmann & J. Üblacker (Eds.), Integrierende Stadtentwicklung (Vol. 18). Düsseldorf: FGW.

Steinhardt, M. F. (2009). The Dimensions and Effects of EU Labour Migration in Germany. In B. Galgóczi, J. Leschke, & A. Watt (Eds.), EU Labour Migration since Enlargement – Trends, Impacts and Policies. Ashgate and Gower.

Stella, L. (2016). Living Arrangements in Europe: Whether and Why Paternal Retirement Matters. Review of Economics of the Household, 15(2), 497-525.