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Dr. Sebastian Jobs

Abteilung Geschichte

Lansstraße 5-9
14195 Berlin

Degrees and University Education

2009 Dr. phil., University of Erfurt (summa cum laude)
2004 M.A., University of Erfurt
2002-2004 Graduate Studies, University of Erfurt and University of California at Berkeley (U.S. History and History of Everyday Life)
2002 B.A., University of Erfurt
1999-2002 Undergraduate Studies, University of Erfurt and Beloit College, WI (History and Communication Science)


Fellowships and Research Grants

2012- Member of the Research Network “The History of Everyday Life in a Transnational Perspective” (founded by the German Research Foundation)
2009-2012 Post-doctoral Fellowship, Graduate School “Cultural Encounter and Discourses of Scholarship,” Rostock
2010-2012 Post-doctoral Fellowship for North-American History, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
2010 Visiting Scholar, History Department, New York University
2009 Doctoral Scholarship, University of Erfurt

Fulbright American Studies Summer Institute, San Francisco

Research Grant, John F. Kennedy Institute, Berlin

2006 Doctoral Fellowship, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC 
2003 Graduate Studies Research Grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (research in Berkeley, CA)

Teaching and Research Fields

  • U.S. Cultural History
  • History and/of Knowledge
  • History of Everyday Life
  • Practices and Theories of Memory and Remembering
  • History and Performance Theory


Selected Publications


Welcome Home Boys! Military Victory Parades in New York City 1899-1946, Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2012. [also published with University of Chicago Press 2013]

Edited Volumes & Journal Issues

Uncertain Knowledge – a Special Section, in: Rethinking History [forthcoming].

Agents of Transculturation: Boder-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens, ed. with Gesa Mackenthun [forthcoming].

Embodiments of Cultural Encounters, ed. with Gesa Mackenthun, Münster: Waxmann, 2011.

Unsettling History: Archiving and Narrating in Historiography, ed. with Alf Lüdtke, Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2010. [also published with University of Chicago Press 2010]

Articles & Book Chapters

“Unsicheres Wissen und Gewalt – Sklavenaufstände und Praktiken der Vergewisserung im US-amerikanischen Süden,” in: Historische Anthropologie [forthcoming]

“Shiny Happy Warfare – New York Victory Parades and the (In)Visibility of Violence,“ in: Jürgen Martschukat & Silvan Niedermeier (eds.), Violence and Visibility [forthcoming].

“‘As well drilled as Uncle Sam could hope’ – die Siegesparade der ‘Harlem Hellfighters’ als Arena afroamerikanischer Identitätspraktiken,” in: WerkstattGeschichte 54 (2010), 27-38.

Encyclopedia Articles

“American Dream,” “John F. Kennedy,” “Martin Luther King” & “New York City,” in: Metzler Lexikon Moderne Mythen [forthcoming].

Numerous Book Reviews and Conference Reports

Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft