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Incoming Erasmus Info

Erasmus Coordinator: Gabi Bodmeier

Erasmus Student Assistant: Katharina von Pawel-Rammingen

Room 5, GSNAS, Lansstr. 5
Tel: +49-30-838-52868
E-Mail: erasmus@jfki.fu-berlin.de


After you have been nominated as Erasmus students at the John F. Kennedy Institute by your home university, you will receive a confirmation of admission per email and information about your stay from the Erasmus office of Freie Universität Berlin.

You can see the deadlines for matriculation in your confirmation of admission. Generally, the deadline for the winter semester is at the end of September/beginning of October, and for the summer semester at the end of March/beginning of April. It is very helpful, if you turn in the requested documents as early as possible after your nomination. – this results in a pre-matriculation: That means you have your student ID when you arrive in Berlin, (Mensa and public transportation) your ZEDAT account (access to computers) and access to Campus Management (important for the choice of your courses)

You need the following documents for matriculation:

  • Confirmation of your Erasmus stay from your home university
  • Confirmation of health care
  • Payment confirmation for the Payment of the semester ticket and the social fees for the upcoming semester
  • Valid personal ID       (with Visa, if necessary)

Learning Agreement
You should finalize your Learning Agreement only when you start your studies in October or April. In case your university requests a LA earlier, this will be only a provisional one. Please send your Learning Agreement per email to Gabi Bodmeier for a signature.

Staying in Berlin
On the website of the main Erasmus Office of Freie Universität Berlin you will find information and advice about your stay in Berlin.

Info-Portal for ERASMUS-Students: Distributed Campus

Freie Universität Berlin has started an online-portal for international students. It should help you prepare your stay in Berlin. On distributed-campus.org you find a time line and checklist, what you need to do when. You also find information about campus life, about Berlin, as well as online German language courses. You get the log-in data after your nomination from your home university.

Studying at the JFKI

You can find the current courses in the course catalog. To facilitate your course planning: OS (Proseminar / Orientation Seminar), S (Seminar), VS (Vertiefungsseminar / Advanced Seminar), V (Vorlesung / Lecture), HS (Hauptseminar / Graduate Course)

For the names of the courses offered at the JFKI, please orient yourself on these ones: https://www.fu-berlin.de/vv/en/modul?id=253816&sm=411506 .

To get an overview of the courses being offered regularly by browsing through the ´semesters´ which you can choose on the top right of the menu bar in the course catalog.

Closer to the start of the semester the actual course catalog will of course be updated and you can choose the courses accordingly.

For the courses outside of the JFKI taught in English and German:


BA students cannot take UNA courses!

Course Registration/ Campus Management
In the Campus Management System you need to register for courses of the John F. Kennedy-Institute. For this you need your ZEDAT access data which you will receive after matriculation. If this is not the case, please go to the ZEDAT-Userservice in the Rost- and Silberlaube with your matriculation documents.

Blackboard is the online Learning platform of FU. You have access to the texts for the courses you register for, in case your instructor uses Blackboard. To log in, you need your ZEDAT access data.

You can find a detailed listing of ECTS points per module here.

Assessment/ Grading System



 ECTS Grade

 1.0 – 1.5


 excellent (A)

 1.6 – 2.0

 sehr gut

 very good (B)

 2.1 – 3.0


 good (C)

 3.1 – 3.5


 satisfactory (D)

 3.6 – 4.0


 sufficient (E)

 4.1 – 5.0

 nicht bestanden

 fail (F)

Language Courses
German Language Courses are offered by Zentraleinrichtung Sprachenzentrum der FU.

During your Erasmus Stay at Freie Universität Berlin, besides The John F. Kennedy Library, you can also use the University Library, the on-line catalog of FU, check out books and other media.

Transcript of Records
You will receive a transcript of records with ECTS. The Credit points earned will be transferred to ECTS according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Lecture and Course Catalog
Online-Studienfachwahl-Assistent (OSA)