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Gender Research and Teaching

Toolbox "Gender an Diversity in Teaching"

The project Toolbox - Gender und Diversity in Teaching is organized by the office of the central women's representative of the FU Berlin as well as the Margherita-von-Brentano-Center of the FU Berlin. It can be found online .

AGENDA Course Catalog Gender & Diversity Studies

Here you can find the currently held lectures concerning Gender & Diversity Studies.


In the beginning of 2016, the Margherita-von-Brentano-Center took over the tasks of Central office for women's advancement and gender research and Interdisciplinary Center of Gender Research . Key Responsibilities and Organizational Form of the Margherita-von-Brentano-Center have been adjusted in the constitution, approved by Akademischen Senat of the Freien Universität Berlin, which has been published in Amtsblatt der Freien Universität Berlin of 18. November 2015. The center dedicates itself –  committed to  Margherita von Brentano who lent her name to the center – to the support of initialisation and support of (international) cooperation-projects in research and teaching. Those procejts aim to apply and develop the inter- and transdisciplinar potential of gender research.

More information can be found at: http://vmvbz.fu-berlin.de/

Equality Policy at the Freie Universität Berlin (2015 – 2020)

The equality policy of the Freie Universität Berlin Equality Concept is based on the following documents: Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes, Landesgleichstellungsgesetzes Berlin, Berliner Hochschulgesetzes, Hochschulverträge zwischen dem Land Berlin und der Freien Universität Berlin, research-orientated equality standarts of the DFG,  Allgemeine Gleichstellungsstandards an den Berliner Hochschulen, Frauenförderrichtlinien der Freien Universität Berlin.