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Orientation Week Bachelor & Master in North American Studies 2023/24

Oct 09, 2023 - Oct 12, 2023

This year's orientation week at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies will take place on the following dates:

Bachelor: Monday & Tuesday- Oct 9 & 10 from 10 AM to 3 PM

Master: Wednesday and Thursday- Oct 11 & 12 from 10 AM to 3 PM

Newly enrolled students can just attend the orientation days without prior registration or notification. 

Welcome to the John-F.-Kennedy Institute!

It is highly recommended that first semester students attend both days of their respective degree orientation. It is designed as an in-person event at the JFK Insitute.

The continuously updated schedule can be found below.

Newly enrolled students will receive an official invitation via email. If you did not recieve an invitation, but are enrolled regardless, you are of course welcome to join your degree orientation as well.

Newly enrolled students are also strongly encouraged to attend the Central Orientation Days organized by the Freie Universität for both local and international students on the 4th and 6th of October, 2023.

Please let us know if you require wheelchair access or any type of assistance at  s.dasouki@fu-berlin.de.

Bachelor Programs:

Monday, 09. & Teusday, 10. October - Room 340




10:00 am Welcome to the Institute Dr. David Bosold, Dean of Studies
10:30 am Program Overview Prof. Dr. Sönke Kunkel, BA Coordinator
11:30 am Mentoring Program WS23/24 Mentors
12:00 pm Break -
01:00 pm Department Introductions Dpt. Representatives



10:00 am Introduction to ZEDAT, Blackboard & Campus Management Anne Hecht, Academic Adviser
11:00 am Student Politics & Opportunities Student Representatives, FU AStA, Equal Opportunities Committee
11:45 am Break -
12:45 pm Studying Abroad: Direct Exchange & Erasmus+ Sabine Simon (FU Direct Exchange) & Gabi Bodmeier (Erasmus+)
IMPORTANT for students in the BA programs "North American Studies": As BA students you have to take a mandatory language course called “Oral and Writing Skills A”. Unfortunately, this course has an earlier registration deadline (Tuesday, 10. October, 9am) and a different registration mechanism than your other courses, hence we advise you to already sign up to this course before the orientation even begins.
You may find the available options here and the special registration process here (ger/eng).
If you are struggling with how to fill out the form correctly, check out this cheat-sheet here!

If you are unable to attend the event in person, you may join our online stream parallel to the event. However, it is highly likely we won't be able to deal with questions & queries by the online audience as effectively as those from the audience present in the room. Hence, lingering questions and potential probelms have to be deal with after the event via eMail.
To join the online-stream via WebEx simply click on the link below and follow the instructions displayed. The link will be active for the first as well as the secodn day of your orientation event:

BA Orientation WebEx Session: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=m1711cdc35f39950ec6bb57cc1dbc3e9f

Master Program:

Wednesday, 11. & Thursday, 12. October - Room 304




10:00 am Welcome to the Institute Dr. David Bosold, Dean of Studies
10:30 am Program Overview Prof. Dr. Martin Lüthe, MA Coordinator
11:30 am Mentoring Program WS23/24 Mentors
12:00 pm Break -
01:00 pm Department Introductions Dpt. Representatives




10:00 am Introduction to ZEDAT, Blackboard & Campus Management Anne Hecht, Academic Adviser
11:00 am Student Politics & Opportunities Student Representatives, FU AStA, Equal Opportunities Committee
11:45 am Break -
12:45 pm Studying Abroad: Direct Exchange & Erasmus+ Sabine Simon (FU Direct Exchange) & Gabi Bodmeier (Erasmus+)

If you are unable to attend the event in person, you may join our online stream parallel to the event. However, it is highly likely we won't be able to deal with questions & queries by the online audience as effectively as those from the audience present in the room. Hence, lingering questions and potential probelms have to be deal with after the event via eMail.
To join the online-stream via WebEx simply click on the link below and follow the instructions displayed. The link will be active for the first as well as the secodn day of your orientation event:

MA Orientation WebEx Session: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=mc538ee89396432a956138a54fe9dc695