North American Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
Location: Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
"The US Elections: A First Appraisal"
Location: John F. Kennedy institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340 (hybrid, online via Webex after registration at:
94th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association
Location: Washington D.C.
Project Workshop
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstraße 7-9 14195 Berlin
Our next graduation ceremony
July 4, 2025
ENHR conference: Making Housing systmes work: evidence and solutions
Location: TU Delft
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Cécile Coquet-Mokoko (Université Versailles-St Quentin) will give a talk on “Race traitors? Perceptions and Coping Strategies of Black/White interracial couples in the American South and France, 2010-2020”
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Cinzia Scarpino (Università degli Studi di Milano) will give a talk on “Introducing American Authors to Italian Readers: Transnational Trajectories and Idiosyncratic Translation Policies (1930- 1974)”
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Seth Masket (University of Denver): "Still Trump´s Party: How Local Republican Leaders made up their Minds in the 2024 Presidential Nomination"
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R340
2024 Conference of the DFG Network Research Group Model Aesthetics - Between Literary and Economic Knowledge
Location: John F. Kennedy institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Karin Höpker (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) will give a talk on “Confidence and the ‘Contortions of Money’— Market Fiction & Herman Diaz’s Trust“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Winfried Siemerling (University of Waterloo) & Karina Vernon (University of Toronto) will give a talk on “Call and Response-ability: Black Canadian Art and Audience“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium S8 - Richard Sigurdson (Visiting Professor, Calgary University): North American Christian Nationalism in a Trans-Atlantic Context
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Guest Lecture: Michaela Keck (Universität Oldenburg) will give a talk on "Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Patients': Representations of Health, Illness, and Repair"
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Rizvana Bradley (Terra Visiting Professor/ University of California, Berkeley) will give a talk on “The Corporeal Division of the World: On Anteaesthetics“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium Social Science - Laura Seelkopf (Universität München): Gender Discrimination in Taxation
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Kathleen Loock (Leibniz Universität Hannover) will give a talk on “Hollywood Remaking: Memory, Nostalgia, and Generational Identities from Stella Dallas to Ghostbusters“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium S6 - Eric Monnet (Paris School of Economics): Central banks and the absorption of international shocks (1890-2021)
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Bruce Hoffman and Jacob Ware - God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America
Location: Online via Webex Please register at to receive the link
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Laura Bieger (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) will give a talk on “The Underground Railroad and the Promise of Infrastructure“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium S5 - Mike Cowburn (Viadrina University Frankfurt/Oder): Mouthpiece or Mobilizers? Right-Wing Media, Republican Elites, and “Critical Race Theory
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Andrew Gross (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) will give a talk on “Eclogue at the End of History: The Best American Poetry of 1990“
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Research Colloquium S4 - Valentina Ausserladscheider (Universität Wien): Sociology of Stranded Assets
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Martina J. Kohl (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) reading from her novel Family Matters: Of Life in Two Worlds (PalmArtPress Berlin, 2023)
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R340
Research Colloquium S3 - Laura Kettel (Aarhus University): State-Level Housing Policy
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: Barbara von Bechtolsheim (Yale University) will give a talk on “Passion for Life: Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher”
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
Annual Meeting of the Historians in the DGfA: Health in American History
See here for the full program.
Location: Erfurt, Augustinerkloster
Research Colloquium S2 - Cathie Jo Martin (Boston University) - Book presentation: Education for All? Literature, Culture and Education Development in Britain and Denmark
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Narratives of American Culture in Dialogue
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute, Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin Room 340
Research Colloquium S1 - Michael Schwan (U of Groningen), Marc Schneiberg (Reed College), Mark Cassell (Kent State U) : Conventional Politics, Path Dependency, and the Distribution of Paycheck Protection Program Loans Across Congressional
This open lecture is part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I.
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 R319
Research Colloquium Literature/Culture: David Grundy (Humboldt Fellow/ Freie Universität Berlin) will give a talk on “Survival Music: Free Jazz Then and Now”
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R201
DASI Shoptalk: Project Shorts and Peer-to-Peer Support (German Association for American Studies)
Location: online via Zoom
Social Science Research Colloquium: Derek John Hattemer (University of Basel): Underwriting Autarky. Commercial Life insurance for the Masses in Interwar Germany and Italy, 1923-1939
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series– S13: Sönke Kunkel (FU Berlin): "The Pogues: The Body of an American (1985) -- Migration and Public History in North America"
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S09: Mariam Salehi (FU Berlin): The 'Justice Industry' and Struggles For Racial Justice
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Research Colloquium: Talk by Prof. Davide Rodogno: "Night on Earth: Objectives, Activities and Delusions of Western Humanitarian Organisations in the Near East in the Aftermath of the First World War"
The talk will be held in room 201 at 6 pm .
Lecture Series: Christopher Ohge (University of London) "Mastodon: 'Blood and Thunder' (2004) - Herman Melville and Computational Literary Studies"
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
CANCELED: Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S08: Robert Knox (University of Liverpool): On Racial Capitalism
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Social Science Research Colloquium: Thomas Rixen (FU Berlin): Explaining Institutional Change in Global Finance
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series -S12: Christian Lammert (FU Berlin): Oliver Anthony: Rich Men North of Richmond (2023) -- Inequality, Trust and Populist Mobilization in the United States
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S07: Tarak Barkawi (London School of Economics): Race and battle in the Production of the Military History: The US in Korea, 1950-51
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Social Science Research Colloquium: Sascha Münnich (European University of Viadrina): Varieties of Anti-Capitalism: On the problem of building a trans-national movements for the regulation of financial markets across European democracies
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series -S11: Simon Voss (FU Berlin) "Bruce Springsteen: 'The Ghost of Tom Joad' (1995) California amidst Homelessness and the Fentanyl Epidemic"
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Research Colloquium: Talk by Sebastian Jobs "Uncertain Knowledge of Slave Revolts in the U.S. South – a Case of Speculative History"
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin Room 201
Lecture Series -S09: Kylie Crane (University of Rostock) "Beyoncé: 'Formation‘ (2016) - #BLM and Environmental Justice“
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S06: Ayse Zarakol (University of Cambridge): Is the Disorder of Our Times Unprecedented?
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Social Science Research Colloquium: Marcin Serafin (Polish Academy of Sciences); Studying Inflation Experiences through Diaries
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series -S08: Andrew Moravcsik (American Academy Berlin/Princeton) American Academy Lecture: "More Bark than Bite? The Effect of Extreme-Right Parties on Foreign Policy"
Location: Hörsaal – Anorganik (Fabeckstr. 34-36), 14195 Berlin Coffee & Cake in R340 at John F. Kennedy Institute
Graduation Ceremony of the Economics Department at Freie Universität Berlin
Location: Max-Kade-Auditorium Henry Ford Building Freie Universität Berlin Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S05: Siba N. Grovogui (Cornell University): No Partial Public Sympathies: Ethics of Justice and Citizenship in the African Diaspora
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Lecture Series -S07: David Grundy (FU Berlin) "The Advanced Workers with the Anti-Imperialist Singers: You Was Marching Need to be Marchin So You Can Dance Some More Later on (1976) - Music and Revolution in the Age of Disco"
Location: ONLINE via Webex
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S04: Lukas Hakelberg (FU Berlin): The Whitenes of Wealth Management: Colonial Economic Structure, Racism. and the Emergence of Tax Havens in the British Caribbean
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
CANCELED! Lecture Series -S06: Barbara Elias (Bowdoin College) "Alice in Chains 'Rooster' (1992): Local Allies and US Strategic Failure in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan"
Location: ONLINE via Webex
Social Science Research Colloquium: Brett Christophers (Uppsala University):Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World - GUEST: PROF. MARGIT MAYER
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series -S05: David Eisler (De Gruyter): “ Creedence Clearwater Revival: 'Fortunate Son' (1969) - Conscription and American War Fiction since Vietnam”
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Kimberly Wehle (School of Law at the University of Baltimore): Trumpism and the Fate of the Rule Law under the U.S. Constitution
Location: Online via Webex:: Password: 7X3qJeqtDu3 Or hybrid: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 201
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S03: Ntina Tzouvala (Australian University): Racism and International Law: A Materialist Approach
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Social Science Research Colloquium: Ria Wilken (FU Berlin): The (old) Housing Question? Mapping Crowding, Tenure, Rents, and Inequality in the Neighborhoods of European Cities in the Long Run
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Social Science Research Colloquium: Jonas von Ciriacy-Wantrup (FU Berlin): Looking Behind the Politics of Regional Growth Models
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin R319
Lecture Series -S04: Sebastian Kohl (FU Berlin) "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: 'Our House' (1970) - A Historical Sociology of American Housing"
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S02: Robbie Shilliam (Johns Hopkins University): Black Studies and Security Studies: Retrieving an Intimate Relationship
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Guest Lecture by Annette Gordon-Reed (Harvard): "The Enlightenment: Science, Education, Race, and the American Experiment"
Location: JFKI, room 340
Lecture Series -S03: Martin Lüthe (FU Berlin) "Boyz II Men: 'End of the Road' (1992) - Boyband Affectivity and North American Intersectionalities"
Location: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Race, Multilateral Institutions and International Relations - S01: Zoltán Búzás (University of Notre Dame): Race and Hegemonic Delegitimation: The Sino-American Case
Location: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340