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Job opening as student assistant

News from Jan 29, 2025

Application deadline: March 3, 2025

Stud. Employee (m/f/d) 41 MoStd. limited to 2 years ID: 04/24/HK12

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new research group on the topic of “Skills shortages and qualification”. Special emphasis is placed on topics such as education, immigration, family and pension policy. As part of this project, Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt and Prof. Dr. Sulin Sardoschau are investigating how empirical findings can be obtained that contribute to the development of strategies for a sustainable increase in labor supply through migration and integration policies.


Support in a DFG-funded research project on the integration of immigrants, conducting literature searches in scientific databases and support in the preparation and analysis of data, preparation of events, maintenance of the project's website.


Degree in economics, very good written and spoken English language skills corresponding to GER C1, very good IT skills (MS Office and/or macOS), basic knowledge of Stata and/or R.

Further information

Applications should be sent electronically by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt at economics@jfki.fu-berlin.de or by post to

Freie Universität Berlin

Central Institute John F. Kennedy Institute

Department of Economics

Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt

Lansstr. 7-9

14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

By submitting an online application, you as an applicant give your consent for your data to be processed and stored electronically.

Please note that Freie Universität Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application electronically without protection.

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