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Keynote Lecture of "Contested Canada": Manuel Menrath (PH Luzern) in discussion with Mike Metatawabin (Fort Albany, former Deputy Chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation): "'As Long as the Sun Shines': Treaty-Making and Sovereignty in Indigenous Ontario"

Jun 30, 2023 | 02:00 PM

Friday, June 30, 2pm (sharp!).

Room 319 at the JFKI.

Difficulties of understanding often arise between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. This is not only due to language, but also to different cultural worldviews and experiences. In particular, intercultural differences regarding the interpretation of the National Treaties continue to burden bilateral relations to this day. In the first part of the presentation, Manuel Menrath examines the example of National Treaty No. 9, which regulates shared land use in northern Ontario. Nation-building, Sovereignty and indigenous agency also play an essential role. Since one should not only talk about indigenous people, but with them, the second part of the presentation will be joined by the Cree Mike Metatawabin from Canada. He will present his view of the Treaty and describe what it means to be a member of a First Nation.

See here for more information on Manual Menrath, and here for Mike Metatawabin. See here for the full program.

This keynote lecture is part of  the 20th Annual Conference of the Emerging Scholars Forum - Contested Canada: Navigating Past, Present, and Future Socereignties. See here for the conference information.

If you would like to join over Webex, here is the link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=mb7fe58ceb8c74667aaf003ce3de5490b.