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Audre Lorde Reading Event at JFKI

News from Jun 29, 2022

On June 7th, the JFKI Literature Department and the literary journal FU Review organized a poetry reading and documentary screening of *Audre Lorde

- The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992*. This event paid special homage to poet and feminist scholar Audre Lorde, who spent some years teaching at the JFK Institute back in the eighties. The upcoming issue of the FU Review, named

* Restoration*, features an unpublished, edited version of Lorde's poem going by the same name. Besides the poem, the issue includes two transcribed letters to JFKI lecturer Dagmar Schultz. In anticipation of the publication of the issue, the FU Review held a poetry reading at the JFKI.

Five readers, both FU students and writers found elsewhere in Berlin, read their own poetry to read to a full classroom full of enthusiastic listeners. The reading was followed by the screening of *The Berlin Years, *a very informative and emotional documentary on Lorde's last years, and which is an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to find out more about Lorde's time in Berlin.

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