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Christian Lammert im rbb über Trump-Konkurrenten

News from Jan 15, 2024

USA expert: Little favor for Trump's rivals, so far

The US Republicans are starting the primaries to choose their candidate for the presidential election in November. Political scientist Christian Lammert believes that former President Donald Trump's rivals - Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis - have little chance, at least at the start in Iowa.

At the start of the Republican primaries in the USA, political scientist Christian Lammert expects a clear victory for former President Donald Trump. According to the professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Free University of Berlin, Trump is very popular in the Midwest in Iowa - at least since he campaigned against abortions.

The climate shifts against him

Little speaks in favor of Trump's rival candidates for the presidential election in November in conservative Iowa. Only the icy weather could possibly shrink the lead. In the other states - especially in the more urban areas - the situation looks somewhat different. Here, Lammert sees more chances for the challenger Nikki Haley, former US ambassador to the United Nations.

DeSantis has little chance as an "electable Trump" - Haley more likely

Haley has increased her campaign donations - which is always an important sign in the USA. She represents a "more moderate spectrum" in the conservative section of the Republican party, says Lammert. In contrast, the political scientist gives Florida Governor Ron DeSantis virtually no chance. He describes himself as an "electable Trump", but takes a similar line to the former president and has much less support.

Link to the interview

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