SCRIPTS at internationales literaturfestival berlin 2023 | Sunday Matinée: "Democracies in Danger?" with Armin Nassehi, Luisa Neubauer, Lora Anne Viola and Rainald Manthe
News from Sep 04, 2023
Sep 10, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM 
23. internationales literaturfestival berlin
Democracies are under immense pressure. The number of liberal democracies is decreasing worldwide and the approval of democracy in supposedly consolidated countries is falling. How well can democratic systems cope with this? How can they retain their ability to act, how resiliently can they deal with challenges, which also include phenomena such as climate change and digitalization?
Armin Nassehi, Luisa Neubauer, Lora Anne Viola and Rainald Manthe (moderator) discuss concepts, infrastructures, and institutions necessary to address these concerns. The discussion language will be German.
A cooperation of the Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)" with the Zentrum Liberale Moderne and 23. internationales literaturfestival berlin. Tickets for the event can be booked on the ilb 2023 website.
Armin Nassehi is a professor of sociology at LMU Munich specialising in general sociology and social theory. His research interests include cultural, religious, scientific and political sociology. He is editor of the cultural journal Kursbuch. His latest book GesellschaftlicheGrundbegriffe. Ein Glossar der öffentlichen Rede appeared in 2023.
Lora Anne Viola is a U.S. Political scientist and Professor for North American Foreign Policy at the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin and Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS. Her research focuses on international Institutions, global order and the U.S: as hegemonial power. Her 2021 book The Closure of the International System has been awarded the Hedleyx Bull Prize in International Relations.
Luisa Neubauer is a climate activist and one of the most prominent voice of the Fridays for Future movement in Germany. Neubauer hosts the Spotify climate podcast 1,5 Degrees. She published several books on the climate emergency from different angles, deploying methods of story telling and science communication. Her latest “Gegen die Ohnmacht” appeared in 2022. Neubauer is a member of Alliance 90/ The Greens and the Green Youth.
Rainald Manthe (Moderator) is a sociologist and works as program director for Liberal Democracy at the think tank Zentrum Liberale Moderne in Berlin. He publishes regularly on issues related to the further development of liberal democracy.
About the visit
- Tickets for the event are required and can be booked here
- Accessibility: The Kuppelhalle has barrier-free access for people with walking difficulties via the ramp in the inner courtyard; this path is also suitable for pushchairs. There are three disabled parking spaces on the premises. A sign language interpreter can be provided. If you need further assistance, please contact silent green at // 030/120 822 10
- Public transport: S+U Wedding (Ringbahn S41 + S42 & U6) or U Leopoldplatz (U6 & U9), alternatively bus lines 247, M27 "Nettelbeckplatz/S-Wedding" and Bus 120 "Gerichtstraße".
Time & Location
Sep 10, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
silent green
Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin