Dr. Bo Li

John F. Kennedy Institut
Sociology Department
Room 310
14195 Berlin
I attained my PhD in Urban Studies from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 2023. My academic journey has been further enriched by being awarded the prestigious Rubicon Fellowship from the Dutch Research Council, which enabled me to collaborate with Prof. Sebastian Kohl on the project titled "Financialization of Rental Housing: A Historical Comparative Perspective".
My research delves into multifaceted dimensions of housing, employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. I have a keen interest in topics such as the subjective well-being of occupants, dynamics within the housing rental market, residential mobility patterns, housing segregation issues, and the phenomenon of housing financialization. During my tenure under the Rubicon project, I am leveraging innovative data sources, including web-scraped big data and satellite imagery, to conduct comprehensive historical-comparative analyses spanning multiple countries. By mobilizing these novel forms of data, the research aims to contribute to the housing financialization discourse but also help to ensure citizen’s rights to adequate and affordable housing.
I actively engage in advancing the scientific community not only through my independent research endeavors but also through editorial contributions. Presently, I serve as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Urban Management and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications and the Coordinator for the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR). Should my research align with your interests or if you also advocate for housing rights, I am enthusiastic about exploring potential collaborations and welcome discussions on future endeavors.
Housing Financialization; Private Rented Sector; Residential Satisfaction; Residential Mobility; Subjective Well-Being; Comparative Studies; Behavioural Economics; Big data
Associate Editor, Journal of Urban Management
Associate Editor, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
Coordinator for the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Conference
Reviewer for Urban Studies, Cities, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, etc.
Li, B. (2023). Towards a Better-Functioning Private Rented Sector in Metropolitan China: The Case of Shenzhen. A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment. 10.7480/abe.2023.06.6976
Li, B., Jansen, S. J., van der Heijden, H., Yan, J., & Boelhouwer, P. (2024). Promoting the private rented sector in metropolitan China: key challenges and solutions. International Journal of Housing Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2024.2308735
Li, B. (2023). The Realization of Class-Monopoly Rents: Landlords' Class Power and Its Impact on Tenants' Housing Experiences. Journal of Urban Management doi.org/10.1016/j.jum.2023.08.002
Li, B., Jansen, S. J., van der Heijden, H., Jin, C., & Boelhouwer, P. (2023). Understanding the relationship between residential environment, social exclusion, and life satisfaction of private renters in Shenzhen. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. doi.org/10.1007/s10901-023-10049-7
Li, B., Jansen, S. J., van der Heijden, H., Jin, C., & Boelhouwer, P. (2022). Unraveling the determinants for private renting in metropolitan China: An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Habitat International. 10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102640
Li, B., Jin, C., Jansen, S. J., van der Heijden, H., & Boelhouwer, P. (2021). Residential satisfaction of private tenants in China's superstar cities: The case of Shenzhen, China. Cities. 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103355
Li, B., Xiang, P., Hu, M., Zhang, C., & Dong, L. (2017). The vulnerability of industrial symbiosis: A case study of Qijiang Industrial Park, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.04.087
Jin, C., Li, B., Jansen, S. J., Boumeester, H. J., & Boelhouwer, P. J. (2023). Understanding the Housing Pathways and Migration Plans of Young Talents in Metropolises–A Case Study of Shenzhen. Housing, Theory and Society. 10.1080/14036096.2023.2200784
Jin, C., Li, B., Jansen, S. J., Boumeester, H. J., & Boelhouwer, P. J. (2022). What attracts young talents? Understanding the migration intention of university students to first-tier cities in China. Cities. 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103802
Jin, C., Li, B., Ye, Z., & Xiang, P. (2021). Identifying the non-traditional safety risk paths of employees from Chinese international construction companies in Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 10.3390/ijerph18041990
Zhang, G., Xu, K., Liu, Z., Huang, R., Li, B., Wang, R., (2023) Policy-based initiatives on promoting China's affordable housing: Challenges and opportunities, Developments in the Built Environment. doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2023.100222
Book review
(2023) Why Politics Fails: The Five Traps of the Modern World & How to Escape Them. Economic Sociology. https://econsoc.mpifg.de/48875/09_BookReviews_Econsoc_25-1_November2023.pdf