Dr. Matthias Römer
John F. Kennedy Institute
Sociology Department
Project "Insuring modern societies: A historical-comparative sociology of private insurance, its evolution, origins and consequences"
Room 303b
14195 Berlin
2023: Doctoral degree in Economics, Humboldt University Berlin (Topic: Interwar Open-Market Operations, Supervisor: Nikolaus Wolf, Olivier Accominotti)
2016 - 2023: Federal German Pension Insurance
2014 – 2015: Allianz Group
Insuring modern societies: A historical-comparative sociology of private insurance, its evolution, origins and consequences - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 521230583
Research Interests
Insurance, Old-age provisions, Differences in Mortality, Monetary Policy Implementation
Selected Publications
Römer, M. Financial Crisis of 1931? British Banking Stability and the Role of Open-Market Operations. The Economic History Review (forthcoming)
Römer, M. (2023). Ein Blick zurück: Kapitaldeckung in der Rentenversicherung,Betriebliche Altersvorsorge1/2023
Brumm, N., Römer, M. (2019). Anmerkungen zur Differentiellen Sterblichkeit, RVAktuell 3/2019