Hans-Matthöfer-Prize „Wirtschaft.Weiter.Denken“ 2014 for Mark Blyth
News from Jan 05, 2015
Mark Blyth (Brown University), member of the International Advisory Board and former visiting professor at the Graduate School, has recently won the Hans-Matthöfer-Preis für Wirtschaftspublizistik 2014 for the German version of his bestselling book "Austerity. The History of a Dangerous Idea". The German version titled "Wie Europa sich kaputtspart – die gescheiterte Idee der Austeritätspolitik" was translated by GSNAS postdoc Boris Vormann. The prize for outstanding scholarship on current socio-economic challenges carries a value of 10,000 Euros. Further nominees included Thomas Piketty and Marcel Fratzscher. The ceremony will take place in February 2015.