African American; American; Film Studies and Cultural Studies; Literary Theory
Major Publications:
"Doers of the Word": African-American Women Speakers and Writers in the North (1830-1880) (Oxford, 1995), The Determined Reader: Gender and Culture in the Novel from Napoleon to Victoria (Rutgers, 1986).
Seven articles in such journals as American Quarterly and American Literary History, and such collections as Critical Essays on Frederick Douglass and Criticism and the Color Line: Race and Revisionism in American Literary History.
Teaching & Service:
Keynote addresses for conferences sponsored by Center Alliance for Secondary School Teachers and Texts; Chair, Committee on Africa and the Americas.
Fellowships & Prizes:
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship for Minorities, 1981-1982; Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1987-1988; American Council of Learned Societies, 1991-1992; American Association of University Women, 1991-1992.