All courses at the JFKI moved online for the rest of the year
News from Oct 28, 2020
We are sorry to inform you that the university has decided to move all courses online – at least for the rest of 2020. We had intended to offer you a limited number of courses on campus this term but have had to adjust to the new situation. We are aware that many of you were looking forward to coming to Dahlem and to meeting other fellow students. We are working hard to offer you the chance to meet face-to-face on a limited scale (in accordance with the respective regulations of the “Land Berlin”) – either inside or outside of the JFKI. We are also in discussions with the instructors that at least some of the planned on-campus sessions in teaching format 3 (synchronous online teaching with some on-campus presence) can be held towards the end of the lecture period. Since the situation is in flux and regulations are frequently updated, we don't have any more detailed information to share at this stage. We would however greatly appreciate any feedback so that we can ensure that our plans take your needs into account. Last but not least, thank you for your patience and understanding!