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5 Doctoral Grants available



News vom 08.10.2020

The Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies invites applications for its three-year doctoral program to start on October 1, 2021.

Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in North American Studies must have a completed degree (Master, M.A. or the equivalent) with above average marks in one of the following disciplines or closely related academic programs: American/Canadian Cultural Studies, American/Canadian Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology and Economics. Grants of up to 1,350€ per month will be awarded for a maximum of three years.

It is also possible to apply for admission to the program independently from applying for a stipend: doctoral memberships/affiliations (Promotionsplätze) are available for candidates who have already obtained external PhD funding. Please note that self-funded dissertations are not possible.

When creating your user account, please make sure to select "English (En)" in the language settings.

Screenshot Language Setting to English

All application materials (completed application form, statement of purpose of 2 pages, outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, curriculum vitae, two recent letters of reference, copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills, and a writing sample) must be submitted by November 30, 2020 on the application portal of the Dahlem Research School. You will find all relevant details on the specificities (length, file size, etc,) of the required documents after registering on the platform. We therefore kindly ask you to refrain from inquiries on application documents before accessing the online application form.


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Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft