Americans United
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Americans United for Separation of Church and State was founded in 1947 by civil libertarians as a manifestation of their criticism of religious schools funded by the state. Indeed, the group draws on a long history of thinking regarding the necessity of a strict separation of church and state. AU is a non-denominational grassroots organization, with a total of 70,000 members across the United States. Its annual budget of 4.2 million dollars is collected through donations.
Americans United focuses on making the American public aware of the receding wall between church and state, mainly through public relations, media presence and court proceedings. Faith-based initiatives – which sometimes demand a confession of faith in return for the provision of social services -- are a frequent target of AU’s criticisms.
- Website of Americans United
- Interview with Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director
- Pictures of the Interview
Interview with Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director
(vorbereitet von Matthias Bauschulte)
Pictures of the Interview
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