Heritage Foundation
Die Heritage Foundation wurde 1973 als unabhängiges politisches Forschungsinstitut gegründet. Der Think Tank beschränkte sich jedoch von Anfang an nicht auf diese Funktion, sondern konzentrierte sich vielmehr auf den politischen Lobbying-Prozess und die Vermarktung konservativer Ideen, d.h. nach eigenen Angaben die Befürwortung einer konservative Politik auf der Grundlage der freien Marktwirtschaft, des schlanken Staats, der individuellen Freiheit, traditionellen amerikanischen Werten und einer starken nationalen Verteidigung. Die Heritage Foundation verzeichnet heute ca. 200.000 Mitglieder und beschäftigt etwa 200 Mitarbeiter. Ihre Arbeit finanziert sie durch Spendengelder.
Patrick F. Fagan ist als Research Fellow in Family and Cultural Issues innerhalb der Stiftung tätig. In der Bush-Administration war Fagan Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Sevices. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt in der Heritage Foundation betrifft die Zusammenhänge von familiärer Situation, sozialem Umfeld und sozialen Problemen. Er argumentiert, dass die amerikanische Gesellschaft nur durch eine Rückbesinnung auf das traditionelle Familienmodell gerettet werden kann und sieht im Zerfall der bisherigen familiären Strukturen auch die Ursachen für wachsende Armut und Chancenungleichheit.
Interview mit Pat Fagan
(Zusammenfassung von Martina Schäfer)
A selection of some of the topics discussed during the interview and the key statements made by Patrick F. Fagan:
Heritage Foundation – Development of the organization and policy objectives
Growth of the last decade was more in the area of activities and budget rather than in personnel. HF has now a greater outreach due to an increase in the amount of time it is present on TV, a raise in advertising and a growing number of individual requests being made by members of Congress. No huge changes in policy objectives, the four most important are: 1) lower taxes, 2) smaller government, 3) strong military capacity, and 4) the defense of the traditional family. The role of religion has grown in the perception of the HF, next to the intact family religious practice is seen as the key to a well-functioning society.
Successes of the Heritage Foundation
The decrease of tax rates in 1998, the welfare reforms, chastity education, and the marriage debate (help to restore the traditional marriage).
Religious people are crucial for a stable society, as they: learn more, work harder, earn more, live longer, get not sick as much, tend to marry, not divorce as much, have less out of wedlock births and abortions, and commit fewer crimes. As marriage and religion go together, religion is an important factor in the goal in 'rebuilding marriage'. One of the core strengths of every society are intact families who regularly worship. Correlation between the degree of religious practice and the fertility rate.
Crime rate
Lower crime rate in Europe due to the more homogenous population, Americans are more mobile, what adds to social weakness. Single mother household, especially in the African American community – where children grow up without a father a 'culture of crime' is created.
Present state of the American family
Increase in broken families, but huge differences by ethnic groups. The most intact is the white family, the least intact the black family. Beside the above-average number of single-parent households Fagan identified the Migration from South to North as another crucial factor why the percentage of broken families under African Americans is so high.
Society vs. Government
Different understanding of the responsibilities of government in Europe and the United States. Americans believe that government has no competence when it comes to regulate social relationships, and that these issues should be governed by society alone. Addressing the 'marriage problem' through education prior to the age of 14, when one can still form people and their attitudes. This should be done by the family and the church.
Monogamy is the key solution to end the crisis in the sexuality issue. The abstinence programs, which have been initiated by the HF, have helped to bring down the numbers of abortions and pregnancies under teenagers.
Average income of American states is higher than in most European countries. U.S. poor are rich on European standards, they have their own cars, refrigerators etc. Those who are working hard are doing well! Poor have absolute access to health care. Uninsured, self-selected by people in their 20s.
Culture Wars
Division in cultural issues is not one on the political level, but one on the religious practice level (frequency of church attendance).
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