Teilnehmerinnen & Teilnehmer
Dr. Bram Akkermans
Assistant Professor European Private Law
University of Maastricht
Britta Baron
Vice Provost & Associate Vice President International
University of Alberta
Dr. Donald Black
Attorney and Lecturer
Freie Universität Berlin
Frauke Brammer
John F. Kennedy Institute
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Isolde Burr
European Law Linguistics University of Cologne
Erica Claus
Counsellor Culture, Public Affairs and Academic Relations
Embassy of Canada
Prof. Barbara Dauner-Lieb
Professor of Private Law, Trade and Corporate Law, Labor Law & Judge at the Constitutional Court of the State of North-Rhein Westfalia
University of Cologne
Prof. Morad Eghbal Director
LL.M. in the Law of the United States
University of Baltimore
Dr. Andreas Fijal
Vice-Dean Academic Affairs
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Toni Fine
Assistant Dean for International and Non-J.D. Programs Fordham
University School of Law
Martina Franke
Institute of Business Law
University Halle-Wittenberg
Stefan Geifes
Secretary General
Franco-German University
Dr. Michael Gressmann
Head of Division, “Law relating to the Judiciary; Remuneration; Training”
Federal Ministry of Justice
Ulrich Grothus
Director, New York Office
Prof. Stefan Grundmann
Deputy Head, European Law School
Humboldt University Berlin
Prof. Martin Häublein
Professor of Civil Law, Faculty of Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Martin Heger
Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, European Criminal Law and Law History
Humboldt University Berlin
Christoph Heilmeier
John F. Kennedy Institute
Freie Universität Berlin
Gesine Heinrich
Coordinator, LL.M. International Business Law'
University of Augsburg
Prof. Markus Heintzen
Dean, Faculty of Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Klaus Hoffmann-Holland
Professor of Criminal Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Norman Hölzel
Institute of Business Law
University Halle-Wittenberg
Matthias Hoppe
Attorney, WilmerHale and Lecturer, FHTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences
Jan Kruse
Head, Center for International Affairs, Faculty of Law
University of Cologne
Matthias Kuder
Project Manager, Transatlantic Degree Programs TDP
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Sébastien Lebel-Grenier
Vice-Dean Research and Graduate Studies, Faculty of Law
Université de Sherbrooke
Prof. Detlef Leenen
Professor emeritus, Private Law, Commercial Law, Theory and Methodology of Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Ursula Lehmkuhl
First Vice President
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Roberta Maierhofer
Vice Rector for International Relations and Interdisciplinary Cooperation
University of Graz
Prof. David Marrani
Diretor of LL.M EU Law and Comparative Legal Studies
University of Essex
Prof. Willajeanne McLean
Director, International Exchange Programs, Professor of Law
University of Connecticut
Daniela Mederle
Coordinator, Cooperation with US Law Schools, Faculty of Law
University of Augsburg
Prof. Thomas Mengler
Dean, School of Law
University of St. Thomas
Prof. Marie Mercat-Bruns
Law Professor & Director of International Affairs and Exchanges, Center for the Americas
Sciences Po
Prof. Carl Monk
President, International Association of Law Schools, Vice President Association of American Law Schools
American Association of Law Schools
Kathrin Neitz
John F. Kennedy Institute
Freie Universität Berlin
Brigitte Oberle
Coorinator, MA Program "German and Foreign Law"
University of Mainz
Daniel Obst
Director, Membership and Higher Education Services '
Institute of International Education
Prof. Wendy Perdue
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Professor of Law
Georgetown University
Prof. Wayne Renke
Professor and Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law
University of Alberta
Prof. Eibe Riedel
Professor of International and European Law
University of Mannheim
Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt
Managing Director
Silvia Schuette
Assistant, Faculty of Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Adrian Shubert
Associate Vice President
International York University
David Steele
Director, Faculty Grants Office, Director Undergraduate Research and Collaborative Scholarship Program
University of St. Thomas
Prof. Michael Wagner
Assistant Professor, Institute of Legal Informatics
University of Hannover
Dr. Hariolf Wenzler
Bucerius Law School
Prof. James White
Professor emeritus, Indiana University & American Bar Association
Indiana University
Prof. Peer Zumbansen
Associate Dean (Research, Graduate Studies and Institutional Relations and Institutional Relations
York University