This reader features articles and other informational material that should help you prepare for the Toronto workshop.
Council of Graduate Schools: Findings from the 2007 CGS International Graduate Admissions Survey. Pages 6-12 focus on joint/double and other collaborative degree programs
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- European University Association: Trends V: Universities Shaping the European Higher Education Area by David Crosier, Lewis Purser & Hanne Smidt
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Association of Canadian Colleges and Universities: The AUCC 2006 internationalization survey update
Canadian universities and international student mobility
[pdf, 700MB]
Internationalization of the curriculum
Results of the Survey on Study Programmes Awarding Double, Multiple or Joint Degrees by Friedhelm Maiworm
Study Commissioned by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors´ Conference (HRK)
[pdf, 180kB]
Institute of International Education White Paper: Current Trends in U.S. Study Abroad & the Impact of Strategic Diversity Initiatives
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Challenging Innovation: a Consideration of International Joint Degree Programs for Australia by Caroly O’Brien and Douglas Proctor
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Quality vs. Quantity in Study Abroad by Doug Lederman, InsideHigherEd
Overcoming Obstacles in Developing an Indiana-Bologna Master’s Program Partnership by Stephanie Leslie and Susan Buck Sutton
Integrating Technology into a Two Continent Consortium: Lessons Learned Teaching the TIRES Virtual Seminar by Sarah J. Mahler, Florida International University
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EU-US ATLANTIS Program: Call for Proposals
EU-Canada Transatlantic Exchange Partnership (TEP): Call for Proposals