Winter Term 2017/2018
Zeit |
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Fr |
08-10 |
10-12 |
Fluck Visions of America: American Exceptionalism, Liberalism and the Rhetoric of Crisis GSNAS Seminar room |
Wenzel Disciplinary Theory and Methods in the Study of Sociology GSNAS Seminar room |
12-14 |
14-16 |
Jobs Disciplinary Theories and Methods in the Study of History, Graduate School GSNAS Seminar room |
Kelleter Disciplinary Theories and Methods in the Study of Culture GSNAS Seminar room
Dorson Theories and Methods in Literature Room 319 JFKI |
Haselstein, Wenzel Values, Identities, and Communication GSNAS Seminar room |
16-18 |
Spangler Advanced Academic Writing in English GSNAS Seminar room |