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Working Papers

Series of the Department of Politics

No. 3
Eick, Volker / Sambale, Jens (eds.):
Sozialer Wohnungsbau, Arbeitsmarkt(re)integration und der neoliberale Wohlfahrtsstaat in der Bundesrepublik und Nordamerika. Berlin 2005 (Dept. Politik)
English abstracts

No. 2
Manning, Stefan / Mayer, Margit (eds.):
Praktiken informeller Ökonomie. Explorative Studien aus Berlin und nordamerikanischen Städten (Practices of informal economy. Explorative studies on Berlin and north American cities). Berlin 2004 (Dept. Politik)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 1
Eick, Volker / Mayer, Margit / Sambale, Jens (eds.):
"From Welfare to Work" Nonprofits and the Workfare State in Berlin and Los Angeles. Berlin 2003 (Dept. Politik)
Complete text [pdf] | English abstracts

Working Papers of the John F. Kennedy Institute

No. 136
Mildner, Stormy:
Einkommenseffekte der Doha-Runde der WTO: Liberalisierungsszenarien und Wohlfahrtsprognosen. Freie Universität Berlin 2006 (Economics)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 135
Plagge, Arnd:
Revenue Patterns in the U.S. States: An Empirical Re-Examination of Partisan Policy Views. Freie Universität Berlin 2006 (Economics)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 134
Ross, Ingrid:
Hijacking of the President? Die Neokonservativen und die Entscheidung zum Irakkrieg 2003. Freie Universität Berlin 2005 (History)
Complete text [pdf] | English abstract [pdf]

No. 133
Kroes, Rob:
European Anti-Americanism: What's New? Freie Universität Berlin 2005 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 132
Mueller-Vollmer, Kurt:
"Every Ship Brings a Word:" Cultural and Literary Transfer from Germany to the United States in the First Half of the Nineteeth Century. Freie Universität Berlin 2003 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 131-2
Brumm, Ursula:
Nationaltypische Themen der amerikanischen Literatur. Freie Universität Berlin 2003 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 131-1
Decker, Christof: Zwischen Alltag und Ereignis: Konvergenzen des Erzählens bei Raymond Carver und Robert Altman. Freie Universität Berlin 2002. (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 130
Michaels, Walter Benn:
Posthistoricism. University of Illinois at Chicago 2002 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 129
Laqueur, Thomas W.:
Theater und Prozess: Die Todesstrafe in den USA. University of California, Berkeley, CA 2002 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 128
Reinhard, Rebekka: What is Left of ›Antifoundationalism‹? Berlin 2002 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 127
Paul, Heike:
Racialized Topographies of the New and the Old World: Jeannette Lander’s Atlanta and Hans J. Massaquoi’s Hamburg. Leipzig 2001 (Literature)

No. 126
Gilmore, Michael:
Surface and Depth: Studies in American Legibility. Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, U.S.A., 2001 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 125
Jentzsch, Nicola:
The New Economy Debate in the U.S.: A Review of Literature. Berlin 2001 (Economics)

No. 124
Iser, Wolfgang:
Kultur: Ein Rückkoppelungsprozess. Berlin 2001 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 123
Poster, Mark:
The Digital Culture and Its Intellectuals: from Television, to Tape, to the Internet. University of California, Irvine, CA, U.S.A., 2000 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 122
Moran, Kathleen / Rogin, Michael:
"What's the Matter with Capra?" Sullivan's Travels and the Popular Front. University of California, Berkeley, Ca., 1999 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 121
Posnock, Ross:
"'Irrational Zigzags': Cosmopolitanism in African American Intellectual History". Department of English, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., 1999 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 120
Behnen, Michael:
Dollars für Mussolini - Amerikanischer Corporate Liberalism und Faschismus 1922-1933. Berlin 1999. (History)

No. 119
Brandt, Stefan L. (Hrsg).:
Film as Symbolic Action. Douglas Sirks IMITATION OF LIFE (1959) als Paradigma kultureller Selbstverständigung im Amerika der 1950er Jahre. Ergebnisse eines Seminars. Berlin 1999 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 118
Preis-Smith, Agata:
Gender, Revolution, and the Political Unconscious in Rebecca Harding Davis's LIFE IN THE IRON MILLS. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 1999 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 117
Marr, David:
Pragmatism Before Poirier. The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, U.S.A., 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 116
Harris, Paul A.:
Emergence and Globalization: Ethologies of Synthetic Memory and Collective Imagination. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 115
Schwab, Gabriele:
Restriktion und Mobilität. Zur Dynamik des literarischen Kulturkontakts. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, U.S.A., 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

Nr 114
Hesse, Eva:
Melvin B. Tolson - A "Voluntary Negro". Mit einer kommentierten Übersetzung von Auszügen aus Melvin B. Tolsons Libretto for the Republic of Liberia. München 1998. (Literature)

No. 113
Kroes, Rob:
America and the European Sense of History. Universiteit van Amsterdam. American Studies Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998 (Literature)

No. 112
Haselstein, Ulla:
Mündlichkeit, Moderne, Markt als Faktoren literarischer Interkulturalität: Leslie Marmon Silkos "Ceremony". Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 111
Altieri, Charles:
Spectacular Anti-Spectacle: Ecstasy and Nationality in Whitman and his Heirs. University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A., 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 110
Orvell, Miles:
Speaking Freely: Language, Class, and Assimilation in American Literature. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A., 1998 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 109
Krakau, Knud:
1917/18 als Epochengrenze: Eintritt der Vereinigten Staaten in die Weltgeschichte. Berlin 1998 (History)

No. 108
Figueira, Dorothy:
Postcolonialism: Exoticism in the Age of Affirmative Action. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., U.S.A., 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 107
Thomas, Brook:
China Men, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, and the Question of Citizenship. University of California, Irvine, CA, U.S.A., 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 106
Wellbery, David E.:
Retrait/Re-entry: Zur poststrukturalistischen Metapherndiskussion. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., 1997 (Literature)

No. 105
Snyder-Körber, Mary Ann: Perilous Navigations in the Postmodern: Donna Haraway, bell hooks, and Feminist Rethinking of Identity. Berlin 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 104
Pegelow, Thomas:
"Feminism" and "Postmodernism". Are There Some Things at Stake in Lyotardian Thought for Feminist Theorizations? Berlin 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 103
Stolt, Kerstin:
Teddys Flaschenpost. Die Figur der Verdinglichung in Adornos Kritik der Massenkultur. Berlin 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 102
Sollors, Werner:
Beyond Multiculturalism? Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 101
Lau, Matthias:
Im Kampf um ihr Deutschtum: Die Volksgemeinschaft in Abwehrstellung. Zwei deutschsprachige Zeitungen in Nordamerika im Vergleich (1935-1939): Der Deutsche Weckruf und Beobachter und die Deutsche Zeitung für Canada. Mahlow 1997 (History)

No. 100
North, Michael:
Inside the Great Divide: Literature and Popular Culture in the Birth-Year of the Modern. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 1997 (Literature)

No. 99
Frühbrodt, Lutz / Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
Die Neugestaltung der US-Wirtschaftspolitik nach 1945: Die Erfahrungen der Zwischenkriegszeit als Argument. Berlin 1997 (Economics)

No. 98
Adams, Willi Paul:
Ethnic Politicians in Congress: German-American Congressmen between Ethnic Group and National Government circa 1880. Berlin 1997. (History)

No. 97
Mohn, Carel:
Sinnlos aber nützlich: Die Politik der Todesstrafe in den Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin 1997 (Dept. Politik)

No. 96
Samuels, Shirley:
Miscegenated America: The Civil War. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A., 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 95
Bercovitch, Sacvan:
The Winthrop Variation. Harvard University, Mass., U.S.A., 1997 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 94
Cultural Studies Bibliographies on U.S. PUBLIC OPINION and U.S. POPULAR CULTURE (based on the holdings of the John-F.-Kennedy-Institut Library). Compiled and edited by John Dean. Berlin 1996 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 93
Cultural Studies Bibliographies on BLACK POPULAR CULTURE and NON-WHITE CULTURES (based on the holdings of the John-F.-Kennedy-Institut Library). Compiled and edited by Sieglinde Lemke. Berlin 1996 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 92
Adams, Willi Paul:
The Liberal and Democratic Republicanism of the First American State Constitutions, 1776-1780. Berlin 1996 (History)

No. 91
Shusterman, Richard:
The End of Aesthetic Experience. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A., 1996 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 90
Goldfarb, Jeffrey C.:
The Cynical Malaise in Culture and Politics. New School for Social Research, Department of Sociology, New York, N.Y., 1994 (Sociology)

No. 89
Rogin, Michael:
Two Declarations of Independence: The Racialized Foundations of American National Culture. University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal., U.S.A., 1996 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 88
Adams, Willi Paul:
Ethnic Leadership and the German-Born Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1862-1945. A Report on Research in Progress. Berlin 1996 (History)

No. 87
Werner, Welf:
Liberalisierung von Finanzdiensleistungen in Nordamerika und Westeuropa. Bilateralismus versus Multilateralismus. Berlin 1996 (Dept. für Wirtschaft)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 86
Schüler, Anja:
The "Horror on the Rhine": Rape, Racism and the International Women's Movement. Berlin 1995 (History)

No. 85
Ross, Dorothy:
The New and Newer Histories: Social Theory and Historiography in an American Key. Department of History, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1995 (History)

No. 84
Fertig, Georg:
Does overpopulation explain emigration? The case of 18th century transatlantic migration from the Rhine lands. Berlin 1995 (History)

No. 83
Lenz, Karl:
Das ethnische Profil Kanadas und seiner Großstädte im Wandel. Berlin 1995. (Dept. Geographie)

No. 82
Baumann, Rainer / Greven, Thomas:
Congress, the President, and U.S. Decisions to Use Military Force. Berlin 1995 (Dept. Politik)

No. 81
Mitchell, Lee Clark:
Henry James and the Fin de Siècle. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A., 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 80
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
Brooks Adams and Charles P. Kindleberger. Berlin 1995 (Economics)

No. 79
de Lauretis, Teresa:
Sexuality in the Fictions of Theory (lecture presented at the Amerika Haus, Berlin 1995). Berlin 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 78
Peper, Jürgen:
Zu einer demokratischen Ästhetik. Königsfeld 1995. Korrektur: Graz 1992 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 77
Merdjanska, Kornelia:
The Historical and Political Re/turn in American Literary Studies in an East European Context. Sofia University, 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 76
Goeze, Matthias:
Großraum Toronto (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bürostandortverlagerung). Berlin 1995 (Dept. Geographie)

No. 75
Gunn, Giles:
Multiculturalism, Mourning, and the Americas: Towards a New Pragmatics of Cross- and Intercultural Criticism. University of California, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 74
Kuppler, Elisabeth:
Feministische Geschichtstheorie, True Womanhood und die World's Columbian Exposition in der neueren gender Forschung. Berlin 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 73
Arac, Jonathan:
The Politics of Nationalism in Recent American Literary Historiography: The Case of the New Cambridge History. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA, 1995 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 72
Hansen, Miriam Bratu:
America, Paris, the Alps: Kracauer (and Benjamin) on cinema and modernity. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., U.S.A., 1994 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 71
Levine, Tom:
Versuch über die Genese des westlichen Zivilisationsmodells anhand der kulturtheoretischen Ansätze bei Max Weber und Norbert Elias. Berlin 1994 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 70
Werner, Welf:
Geschäftserfolg im internationalen Rückver-sicherungshandel der USA. Eine Auswertung der Dienstleistungsbilanz des U.S. Department of Commerce. Berlin 1994 (Economics)

No. 69
Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas:
Strategische Handelspolitik und nationale Wohlfahrt: Eine kritische Analyse. Berlin 1994. (Economics)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 68
Kadija, Refik:
American Studies in Albania in the Past and the Future. Berlin 1994. (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 67
Armstrong, Paul B.:
The Politics of Reading. Berlin 1994 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 66
Tanner, Tony:
Henry James and the Art of Criticism. Berlin 1994 (Literature)

No. 65
Scherrer, Christoph:
Freer Trade Elites and Fair Trade Masses - Why Has Public Opinion Mattered so Little? Berlin 1994 (Dept. Politik)

No. 64
Thomas, Brook:
Parts Related to Wholes and the Nature of Subaltern Opposition. University of California, Irvine, U.S.A. 1994 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 63
Spear, Bruce:
The Internationalization of American Higher Education in the 1980s: Crises in Finance and Legitimation. Berlin 1993 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 62
Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas:
Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der USA seit 1945: Stationen der US-Wirtschaftspolitik. Berlin 1993 (Economics)

No. 61
Budick, Emily Miller:
The Holocaust and the Construction of Modern American Literary Criticism: The Case of Lionel Trilling. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 1993 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 60
Iser, Wolfgang:
Von der dementierten zur zerspielten Form des Erzählens. Universität Heidelberg 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 59
Westbrook, Robert B.:
Pragmatism Old and New. Department of History, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 1992 (Sociology)

No. 58
Mitchell, Lee Clark:
A Man is Being Beaten: Constructing Masculinity in the American Western. Princeton University, 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 57
Kuppler, Lisa:
Women's Cultures As Concept In Feminist Theory. Berlin 1993 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 56
Keitel, Evelyne:
Das eigene Fremde, das fremde Eigene: Charles Brockden Browns Romane im kulturellen Spannungsfeld zwischen England und Amerika. Berlin 1992 (Literature)

No. 55
Higham, John:
Multiculturalism in Disarray. Johns Hopkins University, Department of History, Baltimore, MD, 1992 (History)

No. 54
Blanke, Gustav H. / Krakau, Knud:
Mission, Myth, Rhetoric, and Politics in American History. Berlin 1992. (History)

No. 53
Sollors, Werner:
E PluribusUnum; or, Matthew Arnold Meets George Orwell in the "Multiculturalism Debate". Harvard University, Department of English, Cambridge, MA, 1992 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 52
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
Erklärungsansätze zum Rückgang der Sparquote der privaten Haushalte in den USA während der 1980er Jahre. Berlin 1992 (Economics)

No. 51
Berressem, Hanjo:
Narrating Postmodern Spaces in Thomas Pynchon's Novel(s). Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. Aachen 1992 (Literature)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 50
Ostendorf, Berndt:
The Costs of Multiculturalism. Amerika Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München 1992 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 49
Scherrer, Christoph:
The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment and the Transformation of Europe. Berlin 1992 (Dept. Politik)

No. 48
Thomas, Brook:
The Construction of Privacy in and around The Bostonians. Berlin 1992 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 47
AmerikanistInnen zum Golfkrieg.
Berlin 1992 (Dept. Politik)

No. 46
Krakau, Knud:
Die Entwicklung der politischen Hegemonie über Europa seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Berlin 1992 (History)

No. 45
Bredella, Lothar:
Two Concepts of Art: Art as Affirmation and Negation of Reality and as Interaction with the Recipient. Berlin 1992 (Literature)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 44
Trachtenberg, Alan:
Between Quarrel and Gratitude: Culture, Democracy, America. Berlin 1992 (Literature)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 43
Chénetier, Marc:
Metamorphoses of the Metamorphoses: Patricia Eakins, Wendy Walker, Don Webb. Berlin 1992 (Literature)

No. 42
Iser, Wolfgang:
Theorie der Literatur; eine Zeitperspektive. Berlin 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 41
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
International Economic Relations of the U.S. and Their Impact on Economy, State, and Society to 1860. Berlin 1991 (Economics)

No. 40
Budick, Emily Miller:
Some Thoughts on the Mutual Displacements/ Appropriations/Accommodations of Culture in Three Contemporary American Women Writers. Berlin 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 39
Schlaeger, Jürgen:
Das neuzeitliche Ich - Thema einer literarischen Anthropologie? Berlin 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 38
Fertig, Georg:
Migration from the German-speaking parts of Central Europe, 1600-1800: Estimates and Explanations. Berlin 1991 (History)

No. 37
Mizruchi, Susan:
Reproducing Women in the AWKWARD AGE. Berlin 1991 (Literature)

No. 36
Bercovitch, Sacvan:
Discovering "America": A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Berlin 1991 (Culture)

No. 35
Askoldova, Svetlana:
The American Enlightenment and the Problem of Education. Berlin 1991 (History)

No. 34
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
Die USA: Agrarwirtschaft, Industrialisierung, wirtschaftliche Weltmacht. Berlin 1991 (Economics)

No. 33
Krakau, Knud:
Reflections on the Future of NATO. Berlin 1991 (History)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 32
Fluck, Winfried:
The Power and Failure of Representation in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. (Inaugural Lecture) Berlin 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 31
Peper, Jürgen:
Das Zeitalter der heuristischen Epoché. Berlin 1991 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 30
Schüler, Anja:
Die "Feminine Mystique" der 1920er Jahre: Zur Berufstätigkeit amerikanischer Frauen zwischen Weltkrieg und Weltwirtschaftskrise. Berlin 1990 (History)

No. 29
Armstrong, Paul B.:
Play and Cultural Differences. Berlin 1990 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 28
Fisher, Philip:
The New American Studies. Berlin 1990 (Culture)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 27
Danowski, Anne:
Die Caribbean Basin Initiative - ein Entwicklungsprogramm? Berlin 1990 (Economics)

No. 26
Goldberg, Bettina:
"Our Fathers' Faith, our Children's Language". Cultural Change in Milwaukee's German Evangelical Lutheran Parishes of the Missouri Synod, 1850-1930. Berlin 1990 (History)

No. 25
Gehring, Uwe W., Comp.:
The 1988 U.S. Elections. A Collection of State Date. Berlin 1990 (Dept. Politik)

No. 24
Adams, Willi Paul:
Ethnic Politicians and American Nationalism during the First World War: Four German-born Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Berlin 1990 (History)

No. 23
von Senger und Etterlin, Stefan:
Emigration and Settlement Patterns of German Communities in North America. Berlin 1990 (History)

No. 22
von Senger und Etterlin, Stefan:
Das Foto als historische Quelle: Versuch einer methodologischen Annäherung. Berlin 1990 (History)

No. 21
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
Reaganomics und Weltwirtschaft. Berlin 1990 (Economics)

No. 20
Adams, Willi Paul:
Amerikanischer Nationalismus, ethnische Vielfalt und die Deutschamerikaner. Berlin 1989 (History)

No. 19
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
The Grown-up in Infant's Clothing. The U.S. Protectionist Relapse in the Interwar Period. Berlin 1989 (Economics)

No. 18
Beyfuss, Jörg:
Wettbewerbsverhältnisse zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, den USA und Japan. Berlin 1989 (Economics)

No. 17
Goldberg, Bettina:
The German language in Milwaukee's grade schools, 1850-1920: The case of the catholic schools. Berlin 1989 (History)

No. 16
Conzen, Kathleen Neils:
German-Americans and ethnic political culture: Stearns County, Minnesota, 1855-1915. Berlin 1989 (History)

No. 15
Adams, Willi Paul:
Die Geschichte Nordamerikas und Berliner Historiker. Berlin 1988 (History)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 14
Adams, Willi Paul:
Föderalismus: Die Verteilung staatlicher Aufgaben zwischen Bundesregierung, Einzelstaaten und Kommunen. Berlin 1988 (History)

No. 13
Krakau, Knud:
Der Supreme Court: Seine Funktion und Problematik im gewaltenteilenden demokratischen Staat. Berlin 1988 (History)

No. 12
Haas, Jan:
Ziele und Ergebnisse der Sozialpolitik in der Ära Reagan. Berlin 1988 (Economics)

No. 11
Görisch, Stephan:
Träume von Besitz, Arbeit und Unabhängigkeit. Die Vereinigten Staaten im Spiegel deutscher Informationsschriften für Auswanderer im 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin 1988 (History)

No. 10
Mitusch, Kay:
Die USA in der Weltwirtschaft 1919-1987. Berlin 1987 (Economics)

No. 9
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig / Schötz, Hans Otto:
Vom Weltgläubiger zum Weltschuldner: Erklärungssätze zur historischen Entwicklung und Struktur der internationalen Vermögensposition der USA. Berlin 1987 (Economics)
Complete text [pdf]

No. 8
Jankovic, Novak:
The relevance of post-Keynesian economic theory for socialist economies. Berlin 1987 (Economics)

No. 7
Scherrer, Christoph:
Mini-Mills - A new growth path for the U.S. steel industry? Berlin 1987 (Economics)

No. 6
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
The Roosevelts and foreign trade: Foreign economic policies under Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt. Berlin 1986 (Economics)

No. 5
Gwiazda, Adam:
American-European relations with the Comecon countries in the 1980's. Berlin 1986 (Economics)

No. 4
Scherrer, Christoph:
The U.S. autoindustry: Can it adapt to global competition? Berlin 1986 (Economics)

No. 3
Medick-Krakau, Monika:
Administration und Kongreß in der amerikanischen Außenpolitik der Ära Eisenhower: Die Beispiele Außenhandelspolitik und Allianzpolitik. Berlin 1986 (Dept. Politik)

No. 2
Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig:
U.S. economic (policy) development and world trade during the interwar period compared to the last twenty years. Berlin, 1986 (Economics)

No. 1
Honeck, Jürgen:
"Spekulantentum" und Versorgungskrise in Pennsylvanien zu Zeit des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges. Berlin 1986 (History)